
The Kostro Group


We Buy Houses In Greater Albany and Syracuse Fast & For Cash. Our Main Goal Is To Get You A Fast Cash Offer In As Little As 12 Hours!

Our Process Is Simple

We Can Buy Your House In 3 Simple Steps

1. Fill Out the Form.

2. We’ll Schedule a Meeting to See Your House.

3. Get a Cash Offer in as little as 24 Hours.

Here Is Our Step-By-Step House Buying Process :

Before we buy your house we will just need to gather a bit of information in order for us to make you the best cash offer. All it takes is submitting our simple form or giving us a call at (877) 329-1614
We will schedule an appointment to ask you a few more questions about the house so that we can put together a fair cash offer that works for the both of us.
We guarantee to give you a fair cash offer to buy your house as-is (no matter what condition it’s in). You’ll never have to worry about paying fees, commissions, or repairs.
After you accept our fair cash offer, we will open escrow & get started right away so that we can close on your property quickly!
The last and most important step is you receiving your check for your house! We love helping as many people in our local community as possible, and buying homes for top cash value is one of the ways we do it!

We Make Selling Your House As Easy As Possible!

The Kostro Group specializes in buying houses in the local Upstate New York. We understand that selling a house can be a very nerve-wracking and overwhelming task, but you never have to worry about a thing when you sell to us. We take care of EVERYTHING!

Forget about finding the right agent, dealing with annoying repairs, and leaving your house to sit on the market all just to find out that it won’t sell. We make sure that you never have to deal with that. We’re not looking to sell your house for you… WE WANT TO BUY IT!

If you’re ready to get cash for your house, then get started by clicking below… All it takes is filling out a simple form or giving us a quick call at (877) 329-1614.


FREE No-Obligation Cash Offer

Sell On Date Of Your Choice

Any Situation... We Can Help

We’ll give you an all-cash offer on your house… It doesn’t matter what situation or condition the property is in.

Our goal is to help make your life easier and get you out from under the property that’s stressing you out.

We’ll buy regardless of condition. Avoiding Foreclosure? Facing divorce? Delinquent Property Taxes? Liens? It doesn’t matter.

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FREE No-Obligation Cash Offer

We’ll give you an all-cash offer on your house… It doesn’t matter what situation or condition the property is in.

Sell On Date Of Your Choice

Our goal is to help make your life easier and get you out from under the property that’s stressing you out.

Any Situation... We Can Help

We’ll buy regardless of condition. Avoiding Foreclosure? Facing divorce? Delinquent Property Taxes? Liens? It doesn’t matter.